Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Do you love the way Dianne Feinstein sat as head of the Senate military appropriations committee and directed billions of dollars to her husband's companies? She makes Cheney and Halliburton look like pikers. You should check out the Pulitzer-quality exposé written by Peter Byrne in, of all places, the San Jose Metro, a left-wing liberal smut rag.

Senator Feinstein's Iraq ConflictAs a member of the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee, Sen. Feinstein voted for appropriations worth billions to her husband's firms

And why isn't Pelosi being held to account for her usurpatious role as Sec of State? Is she Secretary Speaker Pelosi? All foreign visits by valid reps from the Exec branch are required Congressional debriefings. Hers aren't. We need hearings and investigations!

From 'Rock Star' to Pariah: Conservative Teacher Sues University
( - An academic who received awards for excellence and produced several peer-reviewed publications said he fell from grace when he began espousing "religious beliefs and [a] conservative political viewpoint." He is now suing his university for denying him promotion. Full Story