Friday, October 22, 2004

Syria now admits it has Saddam's money says GEOSTRATEGY-DIRECT INTELLIGENCE BRIEF. So then, where are they hiding the WMD?

Christian campus group must accept non-believers
Suing state university over 'politically correct' nondiscrimination policy
The Bible says that in the last days, "they will call good evil and evil good."

A Washington Times article this week summed up the concerns:

"A coalition of liberal groups committed to defeating President Bush has spent more than $100 million orchestrating the largest voter-registration drive in U.S. history, raising concerns of widespread voter fraud in 14 battleground states.

"At the same time, Democratic Party officials are gearing up to challenge unfavorable Election Day results in a number of states through 'pre-emptive strikes,' charging that Republicans prevented minorities from voting even before any such incidents are confirmed."

Get it? Republicans don't want black people to vote. It's a tired old horse, but the Democrats are committed to riding it to death.

Thankfully, at least some of the scams are being addressed.

In Colorado, a judge has upheld a rule that voters must show identification before voting. This is a completely logical ruling, but it is one opposed by the left. In addition, the Florida Supreme Court has ruled that people casting provisional ballots in the wrong places are not entitled to have their votes counted. Again, the left has charged that this rule – and here's that imposing word again – disenfranchises voters.

But Colorado could still be the site of major problems. You see, the Democratic National Committee's Colorado Election Day Manual has instructed state voters to initiate a "pre-emptive strike" by charging that voters faced intimidation tactics, even if proof of such tactics are non-existent.

This is the very picture of desperation politics.

Denver Post columnist David Harsanyi said this week: " Long ago, the DNC decided it was in its best interests to revive the urban myth of 2000's disenfranchisement in Florida. This despite an exhaustive investigation by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, led by a Democrat, that uncovered no evidence of voter intimidation, or voter harassment, or intentional or systematic disenfranchisement of black voters."

These are dangerous fun and games from the Democrats. They are so consumed with a Kerry victory (or possibly more so by a Bush loss) that they are willing to do anything to win, or even to simply prolong the election to taint a second Bush term.

In Ohio, a man was arrested this week after allegedly filling out 124 voter registration forms in exchange for a payment of crack cocaine.

When you consider the hatred for President Bush by the left, it's really not that hard to believe that trading cocaine for votes might actually happen.

Here's more: America's 1st Freedom magazine reported that new federal regulations will allow felons, fugitives, even foreign nationals to vote, with their votes subject only to post-election review by local authorities. And who will hold these local authorities accountable? Have you heard about John Kerry's 30,000-member horde of lawyers who will be monitoring polling in the battleground states?

The presence of the Kerry lawyer brigade should make us all rest easier, huh?

The publication noted: "So if you thought waiting for the outcome of the 2000 elections was like Chinese water torture, wait until John Kerry, John Edwards and their contingency-fee trial-attorney backers sink their teeth into the prospect of grabbing 3 to 6 million provisional votes."

So what's it all boil down to?

Well, it's obvious that there is treachery afoot. We must all be on the alert for potential voter fraud and report anything out of order we witness at the polls or elsewhere.

More importantly, it behooves Christians to be in heartfelt prayer for our nation. Clearly, many people have placed their own interests above our national interests in this election.

But the Bible teaches us that God honors those nations that honor Him, so we must be about the Father's business.

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