Thursday, September 11, 2008

This Messiah Complex has GOT to Stop!

Congressman likens Palin to Christ's crucifier
'Obama was a community organizer like Jesus ... Pontius Pilate was a governor'

I know Jesus Christ. I pray to Jesus Christ all the time.  I study what Jesus Christ did and said all the time, and let me tell you something, Barack Obama, you are noJesus Christ.

So much pathological hysterics.

One more thing:  Lipstick on a pig

If Obama didn't mean to refer to Palin and her "Hockey Mom" joke, then he's an idiot who couldn't forsee how his comments were going to be taken.

OR, he knew it when he said it and he thinks YOUR an idiot and will believe his lie when he denied that it was meant to demean Palin.

Which is it?  A)  He's and idiot, or B) We're idiots

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