Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Support Our Troops Thursday

This Thursday, June 26th is the huge "From the Front Lines" 8-hour telethon hosted by the nation's largest pro-troop organization Move America Forward - http://www.moveamericaforward.org/
Our goal: to send the largest single shipment of care packages in U.S. history. We're hoping to collect sponsorships in excess of $500,000 for care packages by the end of the day Thursday.
So please, onJune 26th tune in to "From the Front Lines" via http://www.hotair.com/ or http://www.ustream.tv/channel/from-the-frontlines

Supporters of our troops can sponsor care packages at: http://www.moveamericaforward.org/

P.S. If you want some more inspiration, check out what Super Blogger Spree did.
First she blogged on Wake Up America:

And then had this piece published at DigitalJournal.com

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