Thursday, June 26, 2008


With four justices dissenting to keep the amendment, the SECOND AMENDMENT LIVES
Liberals might think that conservatives are happy, but put it this way: It just barely survived. Think of what would happen should there be an ObamaNation! The White House, Capitol Hill AND the Supreme Court would all be liberal and we would surely lose our freedoms and quickly. Who can really say they've lost a life of privacy under Bush? That is nothing compared to what we're in for should McCain lose. This case, as far as the liberals were concerned on the court, the four liberal justices -- Ginsburg, Souter, Breyer, Stevens -- wasn't about the DC ban. This case wasn't about Mr. Heller. When you look at some of Breyer's dissent and when you read some of what John Paul Stevens wrote in his dissent, what you learn is that the liberals on this court sought to amend the Constitution. They weren't pronouncing the constitutionality of a law. They looked at this as an opportunity to literally amend the Constitution from the bench, which is not permitted by the US Constitution. The Supreme Court has taken on the role, Marbury vs. Madison, of determining whether or not laws passed by Congress are constitutional. But to sit there and to take the occasion of this case -- DC vs. Heller, Heller vs. DC -- and use it as an opportunity to declare the Second Amendment, i.e., part of the Constitution as unconstitutional! Folks, if that doesn't tell you what their intentions are down the road, I can't think of anything else that I could use as an illustration to do it better. Obama flip-flopped on this issue too (by the way). John Paul Stevens in his dissent on the DC gun ban bill today wrote that the majority, meaning Scalia and the gang, "would have us believe that over 200 years ago, the framers made a choice to limit the tools available to elected officials wishing to regulate civilian uses of weapons." You mean like the limits they put on government Search and Seizure? Will that be the next amendment to try to eliminate? Folks, that is scary. The Bill of Rights limited government, for crying out loud.
Justice Scalia wrote the majority opinion.

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