Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ethanol Side effects

The Western Appetite for Biofuels Is Causing Starvation in the Poor WorldDeveloping nations are being pushed to grow crops for ethanol, rather than food - all thanks to political expediency
‘New hunger’ felt as food prices soar
US Rice Farmers Boost Production as World Faces Shortage
And now, the crunch comes home:
Grocery Shoppers In Silicon Valley Asked To Limit Rice Purchases...

Lesson? Rushing head-on blindly into panicked decisions doled out by candle-lighting politicians (and ex-politicians) can have disastrous effects on world-wide economies and livelihoods.

Next: Mercury in our ground water from improperly disposed CFL's

For envious socialist America haters, driving our society back into the stone-age in order to look more like Europe, might seem like a good idea, but "thems fightin' words" for me.

As for Kool-aid drinking Americans who are scared into believing all the hype, this effort to assuage your guilt about that "the sky is falling" is killing third world children!

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