Sunday, March 16, 2008


This is way more than just "guilt by association." We conservatives are constantly getting that thrown in our faces a.k.a. Falwell, Robertson. Obama says he was unaware of his Pastors' views! For twenty years! Every Christian knows that a faithful, tithing parishioner doesn't attend a church for twenty years and NOT know the views that are coming out of the pulpit. And, if one were aware, a devout, faithful, tithing Christian would move on to a better, more Christian church.
I can see liberals staying. You know, the ones that attend twice a year and don't really believe the gospel anyway. They just go out of tradition. But all real Christians know that this is just not the case for us believers.

Even IF it were true that Obama was unaware before last year, it really shows what poor JUDGEMENT he has. You know, the judgement he claims his opponent Sen. Clinton doesn't have? HIS is seriously in question. We can't afford this garbage in the White House.
THEN THIS: Obama's church accuses media of character assassination... the same media that has been fainting over him, not asking any pertinent questions and generally giving him a pass until now. But now that he actually has to face real issues, it's unfair? Careful lest stereotypes be legitimized.

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