Thursday, January 17, 2008

Clinton Goes Ballistic AGAIN!

After the DNC set rules for voting precints in Vegas, both candidates were fine with it. But when a local union endorsed Obama, the Clintons, thinking that the rules favored Obama, had one of their "Supporter/Groups" file suit to have it changed. When asked about it, Bubba went OFF on the poor reporter. Well I say, "Good for that reporter" for finally asking tough questions previously reserved for Republicans.

Meanwhile, some Hispanic groups took offense at the suit and spoke out against Clinton. This too, was met with Clintonian outrage and vitriol.

Obama's Pastor: Preacher: Clinton 'did same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky'... and says that God will use Obama as He did MLK Jr and Nat Turner. Wait!!! It's OK though because he's talking about Obama NOT Huckabee. If Huckabee's Pastor had said something similar, THEN we could all fall out, get upset, spin our heads and shout "Danger!"

Ice returns as Greenland faces 'brutal cold'...

First Temple seal found in Jerusalem

Also discovered by this archaeologist: King David's palace, and remnants of a wall from Nehemiah.

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