When you're in a hole, the first order of business is stop digging.
They talk "freedom of choice," but liberals are too contemptuous of dissenting people to allow them to choose freely how to live their lives without ridicule and disdain.
"...the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around."--Chris Matthews (Hardball) Even though he may have a point, he was forced to apologize for this remark yesterday.
After the DNC set rules for voting precints in Vegas, both candidates were fine with it. But when a local union endorsed Obama, the Clintons, thinking that the rules favored Obama, had one of their "Supporter/Groups" file suit to have it changed. When asked about it, Bubba went OFF on the poor reporter. Well I say, "Good for that reporter" for finally asking tough questions previously reserved for Republicans.
Meanwhile, some Hispanic groups took offense at the suit and spoke out against Clinton. This too, was met with Clintonian outrage and vitriol.
Obama's Pastor: Preacher: Clinton 'did same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky'... and says that God will use Obama as He did MLK Jr and Nat Turner. Wait!!! It's OK though because he's talking about Obama NOT Huckabee. If Huckabee's Pastor had said something similar, THEN we could all fall out, get upset, spin our heads and shout "Danger!"
Farrakhan is a known racist especially towards Jews and Whites. How those views might implicate or influence the views of Mr. Obama has been of interest today. Mr. Obama condemns Farrakhans views here. Still, the views of ones church and the object of ones worship should hold HUGE implications for deciding on who runs a country. Why aren't more Huckabee detractors asking the same questions of Obama? Answer: Hypocrisy, and they always let Barabas go. Pelosi pushes gourmet menu
Hillary On Immigration: 'No Woman Is Illegal'... Female ChauvinistPig!!! That's right. But men are illegal right? Of course anyone here illegally should be allowed to vote for her regardless of how detrimental it is to our country; just as long as they vote Democrat, it's alright!!!! Crooks! All of them (Dem politicians, that is).
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." -Thomas Jefferson Was he ever right! Liberty yields as well-intentioned busybodies try to "fix" the world by stopping you from using gasoline or forcing you to finance antipoverty programs.