Liberals Seem to NEED to Cheat
MSNBC HOST: 'Total crap to suggest that nobody in CNN knew'...
McCain: 'I think it should have been revealed'...
REPORT: CNN Republican questioners were DECLARED Edwards and Obama voters...
MORE PLANTS>>This time in Rep debate by liberal ClintonNewsNetwork
CNN Cooper: 'I had not heard that he's actually working for a campaign. If so, that would certainly be an issue that should be addressed immediately'...VIDEO: Anderson Cooper's Mea Culpa...MSNBC HOST: 'Total crap to suggest that nobody in CNN knew'... REPORT: CNN Republican questioners were DECLARED Edwards and Obama voters...
The "debate" involved many questions designed not so much to highlight the candidates' differences (other than Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney on immigration) but to place the entire conservative agenda in a negative light.
At last count, at least 7 of these supposedly "undecided Republicans" were Democratic supporters of one candidate or another. Clinton News Network knew enough to fly the gay General in who posed a loaded question. Can anyone use Google? It's easy to find their backgrounds. These are lying liberals....both the candidates and their media are willing to cheat to win. If we aren't careful and quick to shut this down, we will be facing a situation similar to that of Venezuala. A one party government without arms to fix the tyranny. Buchanan is right with his new book.
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