Obesity, Transexuals, Flying Pedaphiles, Gore on Steroids, Google Cencorship, Pelosi Bans God/God Wins
School sends home obesity notices with students...
Can we legislate health (weight, smoking, etc....) or can we bring lawsuits for being offended such as the doctor who was sued for warning a patient about their weight?
Girl allegedly molested on DELTA flight; Family of 11-year-old suing airline... That's alot like suing the gun instead of the shooter
Think tank to Academy:Withdraw Gore's Oscar
Cites court decision pointing out 11 inaccuracies,says situation like sports stars found to be 'cheats'
Google bans anti-MoveOn.org ads Attorney calls removal 'troubling,' disputes claim action required by trademark law
Pelosi banned God on a certificate, High Court tells her she's is wrong. Bah!