Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"An Inconvenient Truth" In Court- Fear Sells

Sighting nine distortions and inaccuracies,
Judge rules Gore climate film requires guidance notes...

The New York Times, Sept. 18, 1924, issue headlined "Arctic Explorer Donald MacMillan Reports signs of New Ice Age."
By 1933, The New York Times had switched to a different campaign, global warming. In fact, 1934 was actually the warmest year in the history of recorded temperature since 1888.
By 1975 The New York Times was back promoting another ice age. Time Magazine and Newsweek were in lock-step as other major publications of the dominant media joined in the chorus.
The founders of Earth Day in April 1970 began a watershed period for a new breed of envirocrat, fresh out of the hippie era of the 1960s. This new breed engineered an "ice age" scenario of major proportions.
The Washington Post headline “Colder winters herald dawn of new Ice Age” led into an article by Climatologist Reid Bryson, who said, “There’s no relief in sight.”
The "ice age" lasted until the late 1980s when the present global warming movement took hold.

VIDEO: Whoopi Calls On Sharpton To Apologize To Duke Players... Sharpton: No Apology Necessary...

UN ships disrupt Israeli satellite TV...

Congressman Denies Investigating AM Talk Radio Stars...

Station hushes Rush amid 'phony soldiers' feud Suspended show after complaints but brought back in wake of listener outcry

Muslims beat, murder Christian bookstore manager, claim he engaged in missionary activity

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox confirmed the existence of a plan conceived with President Bush to create a new regional currency in the Americas, in an interview last night on CNN's "Larry King Live."

Liberty Bell rangers halt minister's speech Center honoring U.S. freedoms restricts message against abortion