Thursday, September 06, 2007

Dem Slogans

"Vote Early, Vote Often, Que Pasa";
"LBJ's Great Society: One More Decade Oughta Do It";
"Dumb it Down for Democrats in '08";
"Democrat Victory Through Defeat of the United States"; and
"We're Winning, Let's Quit."

In covering the 2008 presidential campaign, the network morning news shows are "overwhelmingly focused on Democrats, [and] they are actively promoting the Democrats' liberal agenda," according to a study released today by the conservative Media Research Center (MRC).The study examined 517 campaign segments on the morning news shows broadcast on ABC, CBS and NBC in the first seven months of 2007. It found that the shows covered Democrats "nearly twice as much" as Republicans and framed interview questions from a liberal perspective most of the time.