Friday, September 21, 2007

Amsterdam draws curtain on sex industry as red light windows close...
Looks like the liberal shangri la is disintegrating. But is it too late for the US to learn the lesson and reverse the course of imitating Europe by returning to common sense? Alas, a little too lttle, a little too late. Socialism still marches forward in this country by small, incrememtal steps; college students, media, Hollywood figures continue to beat the drum of change-for-change-sake (as long as it's change we haven't experienced yet), Dems continue to show their willingness to achieve their "righteous" goals by any and every means possible. When protesters and Democrate Senators alike justify everything they do and say with "Freedom of Speech" and at the same time do everything including threaten violence to silence the speech of those they disa gree with, we've got BIG problems people. There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. The collegiate, hollwood elite and drive-by media have NOT figured that out yet. Next?
a liberal power grab of tyranny to a one party government, anarchy looms, and civil war ensues. Mark my words.
What's this have to do with Amsterdam? Not a thing. but needed to be said. Crush the smug class.