Evicted for 'no Spanish': 'Superlawyer' joins fight
San Francisco fails in attack on Savage
Single vote halts resolution condemning 'hate speech'
SF residents plan to lynch him tonight.
Group to 'Truth Boat' Hillary
Chastises media for ignoring fraud suit, felony allegations
A petition opposing the controversial continental integration initiative supported by the Bush administration, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, has garnered 108,000 signatures after less than a week. Grassfire.org says response to the petition has far exceeded expectations.
The "Nail-In-The-Coffin" Statement from Obama:
Not all the nation's ills can be blamed on President Bush, Democratic candidate Barack Obama said Wednesday.
Man! his supporters are going to be frosted he said that incredibly obvious statement!
Warren Buffett Co-Hosts Obama Fundraiser (accept the billionaire types like Soros)
Zogby: Bush's Approval Twice Congress