Jihad In Schools?
Those having doubts that New York Department of Education’s proposed Arabic school - Khalil Gibran International Academy - will inevitably turn into a madrassah should consider how a similar experiment in the San Diego Unified School District is turning out.
Seems the ACLU couldn't care less that a San Diego public school has set aside 15 minutes of classroom instruction time for Muslim students to pray, while non-Muslims twiddle their thumbs.
Right now it has no plans to legally challenge the budding madrassa as endorsement of a religion by government. Apparently the establishment clause only applies to the practice of Judeo-Christian rituals in public places.
The fact the the ACLU is completely silent on this matter says volumes about where they're coming from.
When I first heard of the Khalil Gibran International Academy, I pointed to this issue of "Islam:yes Christianity:no" in a previous post which was met with great hostility. Yet I keep being proven right in saying: If you kill 3000 innocent US citizens you get special privileges in public schools.