Global War On Terror
Peace protesters Students Pelt Karl Rove In D.C. Protest...
Al Qaeda-linked group targets Dalai Lama for death...
Terrorists openly endorse Pelosi's Mideast trip
Arab Expert: Pelosi Appeasing Dictators
Global War On Terror Global War On Terror
Global War On Terror Global War On Terror
Global War On Terror Global War On Terror
Global War On Terror Global War On Terror
Global War On Terror Global War On Terror
Global War On Terror Global War On Terror
(sorry Nancy)
Kidnap American civilians and you too can have a representative pray in State Congressional sessions
School drill portrays hostage takers as Christians
'We need to practice under conditions as real as possible,' says superintendent
Oh yes, that's where the emphasis should be placed: Christians. They are the ones we really need to worry about. Right?
People who elect those who are coming up with these insane, upside down policies are themselves, insane.
Testimony leaves Murtha allegations wilting
Sexual predation getting creative:
Woman, 30, posed as teenage boy for more than a year; accused of assaulting 14-year-old girl...
Oil Prices Down As Iran Pledges to Free British Sailors
Sorry haters, the prices weren't Cheney's doing