Thursday, January 04, 2007

First Muslim congressman sworn in using Quran...

That's the key, if you want political power in our country, just attack it and we'll bend over for you. Slippery slope, here we come.

Nancy Pelosi: I'VE GOT THE POWER! Higher gas prices,
unless Bush does the right thing and vetos these forthcoming efforts.
Oh, and by the way, Saddam Hussein was executed the muslim way (that or be-heading) by muslims in Iraq, BY Iraqis. Hes was not tried or executed by the United States. Sunnis were looking for anything to complain about and would complain no matter what the outcome. Sounds like the liberal wing of our country. Coincidence?
If Hussein had been comdemned to life in prison, dicatators would all feel that they may have a chance to escape justice and possibly be sprung by people sympathetic to their cause. Democrats would acuse Bush of keeping him alive in order to torture him, and insurgents would be emboldened to try even harder to return him to power. Executing him was a good idea politically.