Monday, June 26, 2006

Every passing week, it becomes more apparent that disgruntled leftists in the intelligence community and antiwar crusaders in the mainstream media, annealed in their disdain for the Bush administration, are undermining our ability to win the War on Terror. Their latest body blow to the war effort is the exposure, principally by the New York Times, of the Treasury Department’s top-secret program to monitor terror funding.. It's like a self fullfilling prophecy: sabotage the effort while complaining that the war is going poorly, then, when things really go bad, say,"See? I told you so." Where's thesense in that?: Would the New York Times pubish our nuclear launch codes if it acquired access to them because it "may be ... a matter of public interest"?

On Ann Coulter:.......Should we nod with feigned approval at the irresponsible statements of Congressman John Murtha or Senator John Kerry because they were in combat? Conversely, should those with no military background be foreclosed from the public debate on the war, as "chicken hawks"? Preposterously, liberals answer yes to both questions.But the more important point is: Liberals don't really believe that the opinions of veterans or family members of war victims are entitled to deference or "absolute moral authority."As usual, the liberals' outrage is highly selective. It is not the people or their circumstances that are sacrosanct, but their liberal positions. Liberals accorded none of their precious war-hero deference to John O'Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. Indeed, they called them liars -- when they weren't -- and much worse. They have savaged combat-decorated Marine Ollie North. They have no use for retired generals supporting Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Not on their lives would they defend 9/11 widows or mothers of war victims in support of President Bush's war effort.

International community step aside. Noam Chomsky is here to solve the Iran crisis.
In the pages of the Guardian, one of the few mainstream newspapers that still consents to treat the radical dinosaur as a serious political commentator, Chomsky claims to have found a way to "defuse" tensions between Iran's mullahs and the West. What he offers instead is a preemptive apology for a nuclear Iran, leavened with the serial distortions, flat-out fabrications and promiscuous anti-Americanism that have been his hallmark for years. (more)

U of Colorado Boss: Fire Ward Churchill