Happy Thanksgiving to God for our Nation and Way of Life-Let's pray we don't give away the farm!
Al-Qaida Devastated by U.S. Offensive
Dietary Flip-Flops:
A. High-fat dairy food linked to low cancer risk Colorectal-disease threat less for those eating a lot of cheese --Reuters
B. Decaf coffee may raise levels of harmful cholesterol
C. Being 'fat' may not be a health risk
PEOPLE who are officially classed as overweight are not necessarily putting their health at risk and going on a diet could be dangerous, according to new research.
A row has been raging after a controversial US study earlier this year found that those deemed to be overweight - because of their high weight to height ratio - actually had a lower chance of dying prematurely than people whose weight was "normal". THEN Universal Health Care in England is discriminating against heavier people and requiring un-safe weight loss before allowing hip and knee replacements. Boy! Science is SOOO reliable!!!! You'd think the anti-God crowd would be tired of all the flip-flops from their deity: Science.
Since the sexual revolution escalated forty years ago, morality in America has been in a state of rapid decline. In only four decades, we have gone from a country of traditional family values to a nation of widespread promiscuity, cohabitation, soaring divorce rates, and an explosion of sexual crime committed against women and children. How could things go so wrong so fast?
Many experts answer this question with two words: Alfred Kinsey.