Monday, September 05, 2005

If you depend on the Government for all of your needs,you are going to be sorely dissapointed

The Federal Government's resposibility is for the nation as a whole. To expect a 24 hour Mobilization of the entire Government to assist inthe area is a complete and utter pipe dream. Instant and immediateevacuation and assistance is the purview of the Local and StateGovernments, more the Local. This is why we have the government we dohave.Yet, I listened to a recorded broadcast of Mayor Nagin's tirade on alocal radio station, and was disgusted. To hear this man, on who'sshoulders rested the responsibility, have the sheer gall to insult anddemand a quicker response from the federal government was sickening.Where was he before the Hurricane hit? My wife and I are avid newswatchers. We saw the Govenor of Louisiana ordering an evacuation. Yet, I didn't see Mayor Nagin reiterating that order? If I missed it,My apologises, he may have came on while I was at work. I didn't seethe New Orleans School Buses or Metro transportation moving peoplebefore the storm hit.No, he ranted and railed that since his community was black, theydidn't recieve the notice from the President.Where are the Libertarians in this fight? You have a man who insiststhat the Federal Government must be responsible for every city, townand village in the USA and you say nothing? I had assumed you werethe party who wanted to keep the Federal out of the State and Local. In the final analysis, we must find it wasn't the Federal Government,nor the State Government, who was lax in their service to the peopleof New Orleans. Thier own Mayor and Parish Governments betrayed them. For years we have known the levies weren't going to sustain a majorhurricane (Lvl 4 and 5). Yet no money, Local money, was placed intoreinforcing them. The Army Corps of Engineers has said the Leveeswere in poor condition. Apparently the Cost/risk ratio didn't justifymaintaining them. The Mayor and City Council of New Orleans gambledwith the lives of New Orleans residents and lost. They convincedthemselves that a Major Hurricane wouldn't hit them and didn't see thepoint in spending the necessary Millions to maintain them. Like everycasino, in Mother Nature's Casino, the House ALWAYS wins and NewOrleans has lost everything.I work with a man from New Orleans orginally and he was furious at theFederal Government for not upgrading the Levies. Who's responsibilitywas it? Not at the federal level.People, nothing in life is free. There is a balance to everything,good or bad. If we want a government that is largely locallygoverned, then we have to assume the responsibilty and burdens forgoverning ourselves. We can't accept the good, and then when it all hit's the fan blame the federal government.

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