Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Experts: Global Warming Didn’t Cause Katrina

U.S. Companies Give Millions to Katrina Relief Efforts, but where are the other, more generous countries? My, they haven't responded with any self congratulatory aid.. At least not nearly as much as the US has. Sounds like the tables have turned. Oh wait, I didn't give them enough time to respond. Hmmmm, that sounds familir too! Oh yes, it's similar to the accusations leveled against Bush early in the Tsunami Relief funding.

Census: Uninsured Can Afford It

Countering the commonly held notion that Americans who don’t have health insurance can’t afford it, the Census Bureau reports that nearly one-third of those without insurance live in households with an annual income of $50,000 or more.

Giuliani: I'm Considering Presidential Run

Hillary Clinton: Bush Should Prevent Fuel Price Gouging that way, when prices go up, she can claim that Bush didn't do anything or enough. Set it up....KNOCK IT DOWN tactic.

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