Saturday, July 23, 2005

Today, a good friend of ours lost her drivers liscence simply for passing out in labor at the hospital delivery room. And Michelle, in order to renew her CDL, was forced to change the name on her S.S. card to reflect her married name by providing a marriage liscence as proof. Ironically, the same CDL app provoded a space for illegal aliens, without ID, to obtain one.

The draft of Iraq's new constitution specifically excludes Israelis from obtaining citizenship.

The document [pdf file], updated July 20, says:

"Any individual with another nationality (except for Israel) may obtain Iraqi nationality after a period of residency inside the borders of Iraq of not less than ten years for an Arab or twenty years for any other nationality, as long as he has good character and behavior, and has no criminal judgment against him from the Iraqi authorities during the time of his residency on the territory of the Iraqi republic.

1 in 4 UK Muslims sympathizes with terrorists
Despite condemnations of bombings, substantial minority endorse violent acts

Here comes THE most knit-picking scrutiny ever known to judicial nominations:
Kerry just can't help being a hypocrite over and over again.

WASHINGTON — Democratic Sen. John Kerry urged the White House on Friday to release "in their entirety" all documents and memos from Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' (search) tenure in two Republican administrations.
"We cannot do our duty if either Judge Roberts or the Bush administration hides elements of his professional record," said the Massachusetts senator who was his party's presidential candidate last year.

First Democrat politicians, now Hollywood:
Streisand to media:
Don't forget Rove

There should be no more doubt who controls the aminstream media.

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