Thursday, March 24, 2005

Our culture of Death continues:

Mother arrested for attempting to intervene in her 14-year old's decision to have abortion

By the way, why did it take seven years for Mr. Shiavo to tell anyone that she didn't want to live as a vegetable (which she's not-so says multiple doctors)?

The Emporer's Not wearing any clothes! The Judicial system has revealed it's contempt for any branch of government but it's own (Denovo review disregarded!)

I wonder how Christopher Reeve would have felt about this. What if he wasn't able to communicate HIS will to live? Certainly Terri couldn't have anticipated this type of circumstance: semi-conscious, with feelings, emotions, etc...

Mostly, it's the public killing her to make a point about their opinion on a subject that isn't even apllicable to Terri. Sure, none of us would want to live indefinately in a coma with machines hanging off of us, but this is clearly not the case here. People just want it to be so they can advance their agenda. A lesson learned from the liberal play book.

Reading the Shroud of Turin

Report: Swiss firm payed Annan son more
New York, NY, Mar. 23 (UPI) -- United Nations chief Kofi Annan's son got $300,000 from a Swiss firm that won a $60 million contract with Saddam Hussein's Iraq, it was reported Wednesday

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