Why James Rassman Is Honestly Mistaken About John Kerry Saving His Life adn Kerry Is Shamelessly Exploiting The Situation, by Grant K Holcomb
Earlier this month John Kerry talked about the merits of troop realignment in Europe and Asia. So on Mondaywhen President Bush announced a major realignment ofU.S. forces around the world promising a more agileand more flexible force, John Kerry agreed, right? Wrong. John Kerry said it was a bad idea.In news releases and postings on their Web site, theKerry Campaign has been recently claiming that theircandidate served as vice chairman of the Senate SelectCommittee on Intelligence. Despite his membership onthe committee John Kerry never had the seniority tohold a leadership position.His own staff confused him with Former Senator BobKerrey.What would normally pass as an honest mistake iscalled into question because the Kerry for PresidentCampaign has taken political cynicism to a new low inthis election, openly scoffing at what they considerto be the public's-and the media's-gullibility onissues as important as intelligence funding, nationalsecurity, people's jobs, the Federal budget, ournation's energy supply and funding for our troops incombat, and even as trivial as "home cookin'."One example I outline in this recent memo (Click hereto view) to Republican leaders shows that SenatorKerry missed 76% of the of the Senate IntelligenceCommittee's public hearings, but his campaign's senioradviser called the statistic "misleading" because itrepresents only public hearings and not the numerousnon-public hearings the committee holds.So surely Senator Kerry will authorize the SenateIntelligence Committee to make public his and hisrunning mate's record of attendance at non-publichearings, right? Don't bet on it. Their campaignthinks they can cite non-public hearings asdiscounting a dismal public attendance record with awink, then refuse to authorize their public releasewith a nod.Such contempt for the electorate and the media rarely,if ever, succeed. As a great Republican President oncesaid, "You can fool all the people some of the time,and some of the people all the time, but you can'tfool all the people all the time." Senator Kerry'sblatant hypocrisy will not be able to fool the votersin November, nor will he be able to count on reportersto stand inside his campaign looking disdainfully outat the public and laughing at the inside joke insteadof outside his campaign looking skeptically in at hispromises and asking the tough questions.
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"Ronald Reagan.
Stop Global WHINING--Vote Republican!
Sunday, August 22, 2004
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