Friday, June 18, 2004

Former homosexuals and their
supporters will be accused of hate speech simply because they
advocate alternatives to homosexuality.

Oppose the Kennedy/Smith
"Hate Crimes" Amendment #3183

The Senate may be considering a "hate crimes" amendment offered by
Senators Ted Kennedy (D-MA) and Gordon Smith (R-OR) during debate of
the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2004.

You should OPPOSE this "Hate Crimes" amendment for the following

· According to Traditional Values Coalition, hate crimes
legislation is dangerous to free speech, freedom of religion, and
freedom of association - Canada and Scandanavia have already moved
to suppress the criticism of homosexuality with laws making it
a "hate crime" to criticize or speak against homosexuality in any

· Hate crime legislation violates the fundamental
Constitutional protections of equal justice by promoting unequal
justice under the law.

· Hate crime legislation creates a two-tier system of justice
where some "victims" are more equal than others under the law. This
unequal justice makes one motivation for assaulting a person more
heinous than another.

· Hate crimes account for a small number of total crimes. Of
the supposed hate crimes reported, a significant number are not
violent crimes, instead they are insults or intimidation.

· Hate crimes legislation is a top priority of homosexual
activists in their desire to gain federal protection as a minority
group under federal law. This hate crime bill will be used to force
Christian business owners to accommodate homosexual and
transgendered workers as well as to punish individuals who may be
critical of homosexual sodomy.

· According to PFOX, hate crimes legislation does not
specifically include ex-gays so that former homosexuals and their
supporters will be accused of hate speech simply because they
advocate alternatives to homosexuality.

There is not much time to act. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU CALL YOUR
including the Smith Amendment #3183. Please call the U.S. Capitol
Switchboard, (202) 224-3121 and ask for your TWO (2) U.S. Senators.

You can also send an email to your two U.S. Senators by using TVC's
CapWiz service

If you are from Virginia, contact:

Senator George Allen (202)224-4024
Or email him at his website at
Or fax him at 202-224-5432

And Senator John Warner (202) 224-2023
Or email him at
Or fax him at 202-224-6295

Please take a moment to refer your friends and colleagues to this
email. Our great strength comes from all of you, and your
willingness to help spread the word! When you ask your email circle
to be involved, it truly makes a difference.

(If any of these links don't work for you, please cut and paste them
into your internet web browser, thanks!)

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